Insure The Fleet Broker Compensation

Producer Compensation


Insure The Fleet insurance brokers sells its property and casualty insurance products and services through insurance agents and brokers, commonly referred to as “producers.” The compensation we pay producers is designed to encourage them to sell our products, place profitable business with us, and provide services to our policyholders. A Producer may receive one or more of the below payments, depending on the Producer’s business relationship with us.

Base Commission. Producers are generally paid a Base Commission for the sale and service of policies placed with us. Base Commission is a fixed percentage of the policy premium or a fixed amount per policy, generally set prior to the sale (effective date) of the policy to which it applies. The percentage or amount may vary depending on certain factors, such as the type of product, the risk classification, whether the policy is new or a renewal, whether another policy is written for the same insured, and the services provided to the policyholder. In some cases, the percentage or amount may be negotiated on a transaction by transaction basis, and may vary by Producer based, at least in part, on the Producer’s past performance and the expected value of the Producer’s business going forward.

Supplemental Commission. Certain producers may be eligible for Supplemental Commission in addition to Base Commission. Like Base Commission, Supplemental Commission is a fixed percent of premium or a fixed amount per policy, which is generally set prior to the sale of the policy to which it applies. Eligibility for, and the amount of, Supplemental Commission paid on current business is based upon a Producer’s ability to meet certain past production, growth, profitability or other historical performance objectives established by us. Supplemental Commission is generally paid separately from Base Commission on an annual or other periodic basis.

Contingent Commission. Certain producers may be eligible for Contingent Commission, which may be offered in lieu of or in addition to Supplemental Commission. Contingent Commission is generally a particular percent of the premium written during a preceding performance period or a particular sum that is based upon a Producer’s ability to meet certain production, growth, profitability or other performance objectives established by us for that preceding period. As such, eligibility for, and the amount of, Contingent Commission cannot be determined until after the sale of policies that occur over a given period of time. Contingent Commission is generally paid separately from Base Commission on an annual or other periodic basis.

Other Services, Benefits and Support. Certain producers may receive other services, benefits and support from us, which may also depend on the Producer meeting production and other performance objectives established by us. These other services, benefits, and support may include:

Individual Producer and CSR Incentive Awards
We may provide individual producers and customer service representatives employed by an agency with incentives for placing business with us or taking other actions. These incentives may be in the form of cash or non-cash awards based on the number of policies written, number of quotes obtained, or other performance objectives established by us, such as the number of policyholders signed up for our electronic funds transfer premium payment method.

Marketing and Other Support
We may assist or pay for a Producer’s marketing efforts and certain other business expenses. This assistance may include, but is not limited to, items such as education, training expenses, lead generation services, advertising assistance, sales and business meetings, and other services that help the Producer promote us and our products.

Other Benefits
We may provide certain producers with other benefits, including, but not limited to, entertainment, tickets to sporting events, travel, gifts, branded merchandise, and attendance at corporate-sponsored meetings, including transportation, accommodations, and meals.

Policyholder Services
We may make available various policyholder services to certain producers with or without charge to the Producer. When a fee is charged to a Producer for such services it may also be waived based upon the Producer meeting certain production or other performance objectives established by us. Fees charged for such services are generally offset against commissions payable to the Producer and therefore result in a reduced commission being reported on policies issued through the Producer.

Interest on Premiums Collected
In some instances, interest earned on premiums collected by producers and placed on deposit before having to be paid to us may be retained by the Producer, as permitted by law.

Fees for Services and Enhanced Commission
We pay fees to some producers for services they perform for us. The fees may be payable in fixed sums over a period of time, as a percentage of premium, in a fixed amount per policy, or based upon other measures. The services performed may be similar to the services provided by other producers, who may choose to be compensated through commission only. The services provided may be of a marketing nature, including, but not limited to providing: (i) data, reports and information on our market performance and industry trends; (ii) information on the Producer’s accounts to better match them with our underwriting appetite and assist in the selection of accounts to request quoting opportunities; (iii) tools such as an electronic quoting or policy issuance platforms; (iv) assistance with the development of sales and marketing plans; and (v) assistance in communicating our marketing messages. What we will pay for some of the services may depend on the value of the business that the Producer has with us. In some cases, we may pay an additional or “enhanced” commission for a combination of the placement of business and such services.

Surplus Lines Insurance Brokers, Employees, Producer-Owned Captives, and Other

Surplus Lines Insurance Brokers and MGA’s
We may distribute certain products and services through surplus lines insurance brokers. These individuals and firms generally are compensated in the same manner as producers, described above.

We also have employees who sell insurance for us. In addition to their regular salary, these employees may receive additional cash or non-cash compensation based on the number of policies sold or other performance objectives established by us.

Producer-Owned Captives
Certain business we write is reinsured by an entity in which the Producer of the business has an ownership or other financial interest, known as a Producer-owned captive. These producers participate in the underwriting profitability or loss on such reinsured business.

We may also pay compensation, including endorsement fees, royalty fees and administrative service fees, to associations and other entities that endorse our brokerage and promote the sale of our products and services.

Some producers may charge their customers a fee on their own account related to services they provide to their customers. Any such fee would not be part of the premium we charge or collect, would not be charged on our behalf, and may be in addition to receiving compensation from us.

On some transactions multiple producers receive compensation from us.

Base Commission, Supplemental Commission, and Contingent Commission ranges by type of policy for property and casualty lines are available by choosing the appropriate link below.

This information applies to our United States property and casualty operation. Please check this website periodically for updates. For specific details about compensation relating to your policy, please contact your Producer.

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